But the matches drag on too much. Seriously. One match takes about six episodes to complete and it is practically the same - they are playing the same opponents so it is probably going to be similar, even if they pull some trick out of the bag. I know I've mentioned this before, but it should come to light (Kagami!) The plot is unoriginal - you can bet that they are going to win every single game (even if they experience some hardships along the way) and you would win almost every time (I know there is that match at the Inter High but every other match they are going to win. You can bet.) Three episodes ago I was pretty much bored of the whole thing except for the tweets that people post on twitter and crack videos. The last three episodes improved, though.
I do love the characters and the OPs, though. I love Kiyoshi Teppei the best - he is so beautiful and his persona is funny (albeit a bit annoying at times). I also love Kise (who doesn't?!) and Momoi (btw do you say it as Moh-moy or moy-moy?)
Overall, I enjoy KnB but the matches need to be shorter and there should be some twists in the plot. Less cheesy gasps as well! I really want to see all of the matches of the Winter Cup in Season 3 (August I think) and even this seems too long to wait.
I know it's not very long, but that is what I think of KnB. What is your opinion?
Wow, I use a lot of brackets.
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