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Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Strike the Blood - First Impressions

I have just started 'Strike the Blood' so I decided to do a first impressions post. I am on episode 3 so please don't leak any spoilers!!

So far I think it's interesting, and I am looking forward to seeing some points explained. The main character is good looking (but not as good looking as the guy he was studying with in episode 1) but I think the girl 'Sword Shaman' has a very changeable character and nothing is leaked from her. One moment she is embarrassed, the next she is going to kill someone and after that she is friendly. This seems unrealistic, and yes I know it isn't supposed to be unrealistic but she should choose something to be. Most other characters are emotionless or over-cheerful or depressed etc but her mood swings aren't even that violent so she doesn't fall under that category. It was probably designed to be like this though.

The graphics are very good - they seem serious (not cartoony but like proper drawings) and the characters are easily distinguishable which is good. The bubbly, excitable younger sister isn't original but it adds some humour and I quite like her. I feel that she is needed though.

A bad thing is High School though. Is every anime linked to High School?! Seriously that is not realistic - a powerful title like that should go to someone with experience and not a young high schooler waiting for their life to begin.

I haven't gotten into the intro yet but I normally do at some point so I will have to get back to you on that!

I will definitely continue watching it and will rate/review it at some point in the near future (probably)!!

Anyway, bye!

♥ Marui ♥

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